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Rastolinos free Blog, Business, Personal Wordpress Theme

Rastolinos is modern, well designed, multipurpose theme with extra widget colors (orange, dark-green, green). Theme comes with built in recent comments with avatars, theme options, support for, language files and more! This is truly a must have theme!


SWT Standard Theme Features

Responsive Design

Fluid, responsive theme design, created with mobile first approach in mind. Theme will adjust to any screen resolution out there.

Better SEO: HTML5 + Support

HTML5 and built in support for enhances your site’s search engine optimization and results display through proper classification of the most important and defining elements on your pages.

Multiple Layouts

Theme comes with 3 predefined layouts (sidebar left, sidebar right, full width) which can be changed per post/page basis or set globally for the whole site.

Flexible Footer Sidebar

Use up to 4 widgets in footer sidebar per row! If you put only 1 widget it'll be 100% wide, 2 widgets - 50% each, 3 - 33%, 4 - 25%. Use it as you like!

Custom Widgets

Theme comes with highly customizable versions of the default widgets, and provides full control of the widget output.

Child Themes Support

Override styles and theme files safe and easy via child themes.

Translation Ready

Theme comes with .pot file for easy translation to another languages.

Sitemap Template

Easily create sitemap for your WordPress site, and provide extra benefit for both users and search engines.